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+385 98 168 8409

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Dubrava 1, Bošana,
23250 Pag, Croatia

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+385 98 168 8409

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Economy of the Island of Pag

The economy of the island and the city of Pag

This is in many ways unique, the fifth largest Adriatic island. For those who did not have the opportunity to get to know it better and experience it, it leaves an image of huge stone, karst expanses bordering the blue sea, the island of salt and herds of sheep. But those who come to Pag and get to know it better will see that it is an island of diversity. An island where people live in harmony with nature, using everything the island offers.

SALT PRODUCTION – Economy of the island of Pag

For centuries, salt production was the most important economic activity of the people of Pag, which brought them wealth, but also problems. The people of Pag often went to war because of salt, but they also lived well because of it. Salt was called white gold and was a strategic product without which life was unthinkable for centuries. The tradition of salt production most likely originates from the time of the first settlement in these areas. In the past, salt was produced exclusively in salt pools by making brine (sea with high salinity).

The traditional way of producing salt by natural evaporation was abandoned 25 years ago when a salt factory was built in the area of ​​Svilno, 5 km south of the town of Pag. Today, “Solana Pag” together with its salt pans (mud pools) covers an area of ​​over 2 million square meters, and together with the warehouses and the factory, it is the largest production facility in Croatia. Annually, it produces about 30,000 tons of salt, but that quantity is not the maximum, it could produce more than that.

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Along with salt production, animal husbandry has been one of the main sources of life for the population throughout the centuries. Sheep farming has always been dominant, which today is well developed mainly because of the high-value and widely known and appreciated Pag cheese, which, along with lace, has become the island’s most famous product. It is recognizable by its relatively hard texture, mild saltiness and distinctive smell and taste; and regularly wins prizes at numerous competitions around the world.

In early spring, you can get curd from small producers and in island cheese shops; fresh sheep’s cheese that can be eaten alone or in various desserts. In addition to cheese, Pag is also known for its excellent Pag lamb from Pag’s indigenous Pramenka sheep, which spends the winter outdoors and feeds on salted herbs and medicinal herbs such as sage and nightingale; which gives the milk a specific taste and smell.

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Although there is not a lot of fertile soil, the Pag region is also known for its viticulture. Due to the strong summer heat, little rain and a relatively high amount of wind, the grapes have a pronounced sweetness. The white wines Zvetica and Gegić made from autochthonous domestic vines are especially famous.

When you find yourself in Pag, you can try the best quality wine at your hosts’ or in one of the taverns of our town, and in better equipped shops you can find the wines of our island called Gegić. In addition to the excellent wine, Pag also produces travarica brandy, which is obtained by boiling the remains resulting from the separation of the must and the skin, the stem of the grapes. The separated and well-drained mixture is then placed in the cauldron together with a dozen different types of herbs and medicinal plants. It is used as an aperitif drink but also as a medicine.

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Olive trees and olive growing are also an important feature of Pag, especially in the northern, green part of the island near Jakišnica and Luna. Today, olive growing in that part of the island is particularly cultivated, and the olive oil from Lun is of special quality and aroma and is considered one of the best in the Adriatic.

olive oil and olives


Until the advent of tourism, fishing was one of the most important branches of the economy and the source of life for the inhabitants. In addition to catching fish within Pag’s bay and the sub-Velebit channel, Pag’s fishermen often ventured into fishing in the open sea. In doing so, they used the power of the wind and their own muscles. Today, traditional fishing has changed a lot, as well as fishing techniques, it is forbidden to catch large fish inside the bay, thus protecting marine flora and fauna.

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TOURISM – Economy of the island of Pag

Today, tourism is the most important branch of the economy in Pag. Tourism in Pag experienced its first major boost in the early sixties of the 20th century, but its beginnings go back a long way. So already in 1929, Pag had its own tourist prospectus, and right at the beginning of the 20th century, a hotel was opened in Zvonimirova Street. Today, the city’s tourist offer is much larger and richer; from numerous hotels, private accommodation, spearfishing, boat trips in the Pag Bay, night bars to various cultural events that are offered to visitors during the summer. The Pag Cultural Summer, the Pag Summer Festival, dance evenings organized on the Riva, Fishermen’s Evenings, Adriatic Meetings and many other interesting events should be mentioned here.

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An essential part of Pag and its climate is the bora, a cold and dry northeast wind that blows from the land to the sea. When the gale blows with all its force, the Pag bridge is often closed to traffic, and storm gusts can reach speeds of up to 200 km/h. In the last few years, this enormous wind power has been used for the production of electricity. In the area of Ravna, not far from the town of Pag, there are seven wind farms. Despite the initial fear that they would visually devastate the unique landscape of Pag, they have come together perfectly and with their appearance contribute to the experience of Pag as an island where the skills of human hands and minds meet with harsh and harsh natural forces.

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