Call - Nazovi

+385 98 168 8409

Adresa - Address

Dubrava 1, Bošana,
23250 Pag, Croatia

Call - Nazovi

+385 98 168 8409

Call - Nazovi

+385 98 739 296

How to reach us?

How to reach us to the Northern Velebit National Park?

The Northern Velebit National Park and its headquarters at the village of Krasno, which is also the main point of departure for visiting the Park, are easily reached from all major cities in Croatia. You can plan your route according to available time and the part of the Park you wish to visit. For easier orientation, information boards, signposts and waymarks have been put up at all important intersections. Please note that only public access roads to the Park, most paved, are open to traffic, while forest roads inside the Park are unclassified and are not accessible to the public for motor vehicles. Also, we recommend you consult the Park Authority or our web page prior to your visit about the accessibility of individual routes, especially in spring and late autumn when some roads may be closed to traffic due to snow drifts.

Reaching Krasno


Sjeverni dio Parka – Ulaz Babić Siča, Zavižan, Velebitski botanički vrt

Babić Siča (1300 m n.v.) nalazi se na sjevernom dijelu Parka i glavni je ulaz za sve one koji žele posjetiti područje Zavižana i Velebitskog botaničkog vrta. Do Babić Siče se dolazi iz pravca Oltara, blago se penjući asfaltiranom cestom u dužini od 10 km. Od Babić Siče do Zavižana vodi 7 km neasfaltirane planinske ceste.

Iz Krasna do Babić Siče možete doći vozeći se makadamskom cestom (5 km) kroz zaselak Vukelići, ili cestom u smjeru Senja, do prijevoja Oltari (10 km), te skrenuti oštro ulijevo kod putokaza, te potom nastaviti 10 km asfaltiranom cestom do ulaza Babić Siča.

Northern portion of the Park – Babić Siča Entrance, Zavižan, Velebit Botanical Garden


Babić Siča (1300 m above sea level) is located in the northern part of the Park and is the main entrance for those who wish to visit Zavižan and the Velebit Botanical Garden. Babić Siča is reached from the direction of Oltari by a 10 km slightly ascending paved road. From Babić Siča, Zavižan is reach by a 7 km dirt (macadam) road.

Alternatively, Babić Siča can be accessed from Krasno by through the hamlet of Vukelići, driving by 5 km dirt (macadam) road.

Southern portion of the Park – Štirovača and Alan


Štirovača is a 29 km drive on a paved winding road from Krasno. If visiting Alan, turn west 3 km before the descent to the Štirovača valley, towards the sea (in direction of Jablanac). From here a 9 km unpaved road without steep ascents will take you to the Mountain Hut Alan.

Alan is also assessable from the Adriatic Highway above Jablanac by a 17 km paved, but fairly narrow road.

Štirovača can also be accessed from the direction of Gospić via Pazarište by a paved forest road.

Parking list under the Zavizan banner
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