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Protected Fungal Species 3

Some Interesting and Protected Fungal Species 3 of the Northern Velebit National Park

Interesting and Protected Fungal Species 3 of the Northern Velebit National Park

Due to the amount of material, the content of the Protected Fungal Species website is divided into three separate and connected websites.

Beechwood Goblet Tatraea dumbirensis

Beechwood Goblet (Tatraea dumbirensis)

A decomposer living on bulky beech deadwood, it is found in old forests and old-growth forests containing beech. Numerous finds within the Park area indicate that large areas with this type of forest are still, more or less, maintained in their natural state. On vast tracts of land throughout Croatia and the rest of Europe, where this type of forest is subject to great economic pressure, this species is either completely absent or is extremely rare. It is included in the Red List of Threatened Fungi of Croatia, under the Vulnerable category, and is strictly protected by law.

Wood Mulberry Bertia moriformis

Wood Mulberry (Bertia moriformis)

A decomposer living on fallen, rotten branches and other remains of woody plants, mostly deciduous trees, it is widely spread throughout Europe.

Brunnipila clandestina

Brunnipila clandestina – Protected Fungal Species 3

This fungus is as decomposer living on fallen rotten twigs of brambles and stems of tall herbaceous plants from the daisy, carrot or parsley, buttercup and other plant families. It is commonly found only in alpine regions and some areas north of the Alps. In Croatia this species was first identified within the Park.

Vibrissea decolorans

Vibrissea decolorans – Protected Fungal Species 3

decomposer of rotten branches, more rarely cones, this fungus lives in sub-alpine and alpine regions in an aquatic environment of fast moving waters, in the waterfall spray zone and in environments where the air is permanently saturated with moisture. The find in a snow pit within the Park area is the only find of this species in Croatia.

Redleg Jellybaby (Cudonia circinans) - Protected Fungal Species 3

Redleg Jellybaby (Cudonia circinans) – Protected Fungal Species 3

This species lives in a mycorrhiza, relationship in spruce, larch and birch forests in mountain, alpine, boreal (northern) and arctic regions. Three out of the four known localities in Croatia are within the Northern Velebit National Park. All specimens were identified in a natural spruce forest. Redleg jellybaby is included in the Red List of Threatened Fungi of Croatia, under the Vulnerable category, and is strictly protected by law.

Peziza exogelatinosa - Protected Fungal Species 3

Peziza exogelatinosa – Protected Fungal Species 3

A decomposer living on limestone soils in the forests of north Europe and the mountainous areas of the Dinarides. Apart from Croatia, its habitats have been identified in the coastal regions of Denmark, south Sweden and north Germany. It is probably more widespread and common in its habitat than believed as it resembles some other cup fungus species.

Trichopezizella relicina - Protected Fungal Species 3

Trichopezizella relicina – Protected Fungal Species 3

This decomposer lives on dead stems of tall herbaceous plants from the carrot and buttercup families. It is relatively common in the Alps region. This species was first identified in Croatia within the Northern Velebit National Park.

Carbon Cushion (Ustulina deusta) - Protected Fungal Species 3

Carbon Cushion (Ustulina deusta)

Carbon cushion lives as a parasite on beech trees. It first attacks and parasitizes the plant, and after killing it, decomposes the dead remains. It is widely spread and quite common in beech forests and mixed beech forests throughout Europe.

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