Amphibians of the Northern Velebit National Park
There are relatively few amphibians in the Park due to the lack of water. Only six species have been identified, all of which depend for survival on ponds which are few in the Park, and small streamflows in Štirovača. The species found here include Common Toad (Bufo bufo), Alpine Newt (Mesotriton alpestris), Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina variegata) and Salamander (Salamandara salamandra), as well as numerous invertebrates which are food to the amphibians.
Alpine Newt (Mesotriton alpestris) – Amphibians
Nastanjuje vlažne šume gorskih i planinskih područja, češće ga se može naći u vodi i uz vodu, nego na kopnenim staništima. Planinski vodenjaci posebno su zanimljivi u doba parenja, kad mužjaci promjene boju i izgled, a naklonost ženki pokušavaju pridobiti plesom. Mužjaci tijekom sezone parenja na leđima i repu imaju prilično veliku nazubljenu krijestu. Planinski vodenjak je zaštićena vrsta.
Salamander (Salamandra salamandra)
Salamander lives in wet terrestrial habitats, but lays its offspring in water, where the larvae live until they reach adulthood. It is mostly active in the evening or at night, and in rainy weather can also be seen during the day. It feeds on earthworms, snails, insects and spiders, while the larvae feed on small aquatic invertebrates. Adult salamanders have poisonous glands along the entire body. The poison they secrete irritates the eyes and mouth of the attacker, which is why salamanders are avoided by most animals. Adding to this is their conspicuous black and yellow color which warns the predator that they are poisonous and not tasty. The yellow spots on each specimen are unique in their pattern, size and shape. Salamander is a protected species.
Common Toad (Bufo bufo) – Amphibians
Mostly active at night, the Common Toad comes out at dusk, and during the day hides under stones, in rock crevices and in holes in the ground where it also hibernates. It feeds exclusively on insects, larvae, spiders, snails and other invertebrates catching the prey with its sticky tongue. As a protection against predators, it has glands that secrete an irritating substance through the skin, which acts as a deterrent to most predators. Common Toad is a protected species.